St. Catherine's Our Patron Saint page

Our Patron Saint

St. Catherine 


St. Catherine of Alexandria


Our school is named after St. Catherine of Alexandra. She was from a place called Alexandria. Catherine was born hundreds of years ago. The exact date is not known.

Catherine devoted all of her life to studying. In the course of studying, she learned about Christ and Christianity. As a result, Catherine decided to devote her time and service to helping others learn about Jesus. She wanted to share her love.

Catherine was only 18 when all of this happened. The emperor at the time, Maxentious, didn’t like Catherine talking and learning about Christ. He called 50 philosophers to prove her beliefs wrong but instead, Catherine convinced them all to follow the teachings of Christ. Catherine even converted the emperor’s wife to Christianity. All of these events didn’t make the emperor very happy. In fact, he was outraged and ordered Catherine killed on a spike wheel (therefore our Catherine wheel). The wheel however broke, but Catherine was later beheaded with a sword.

Catherine died a Saint because of her love and devotion to Jesus. Catherine was buried in a place called Mount Sinai where a church and a monastery were later built in her honor.

Catherine, who displayed incredible courage, commitment and strength, is the patron saint of women students, Christian philosophers, and students of philosophy. That is why if you look carefully at the statue of St. Catherine in the gathering space, you will see her with a book representing the pursuit of knowledge.


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